Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rethinking Church

Francis Chan - Rethinking Church from Aron Sakhrani on Vimeo.

Aron: "Francis explains the vision behind our new church planting movement in San Francisco, which is still in its experimental stages. Keep in mind this is just a rough cut and the beginning of an ongoing conversation."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Credibility of Joan of Arc who heard voices

Readers Digest, November 2013:

" ... While a schizophrenic can carry out a plan, a schizophrenic carrying out an elaborate and sustained plan, such as leading a war, is very unlikely."

Monday, April 1, 2013

What did Steve Jobs had to say about God?

According to Isaacson, Jobs, a self-proclaimed Buddhist, began questioning the meaning of life and God in the past few months before his death.
"I remember sitting in his backyard in his garden one day and he started talking about God," recalled Isaacson. "He said, 'Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don't. I think it's 50-50 maybe. But ever since I've had cancer, I've been thinking about it more. And I find myself believing a bit more. I kind of – maybe it's cause I want to believe in an afterlife. That when you die, it doesn't just all disappear. The wisdom you've accumulated. Somehow it lives on.'"

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Outreach Month

2013 started for us with a lot of blessings from God! Lots of prayers went out for God to rain salvations in Galveston and nearby counties. People went out in streets, parks, neighborhoods, shopping malls to engage the people in the city in spiritual discussions. Initially we thought that people would just avoid us and not talk to us. But we were surprised that we had a lot of deep conversations about God with people we had never met before! We did see a lot of new people join us in Church this month.

You don’t want to live a life now which will bring a lot of embarrassments latter!

Recently, someone brought to my attention Luke 16:19-31 (parable of the rich man and Lazarus) in a way I never thought about it before! In the parable, the rich man dies and is carried away to Hades where he was in immense torment. In his torment, he cries out to Abraham: “I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’” 

Remember one day a lot of people (with whom you ate, drank, partied, spend a lot of intimate happy times or even those you briefly came across in your life) may think about you, while being in Hades, that you never warned them or told them about Jesus!! So make the best of every opportunity NOW to tell people around you about Jesus! Else, there may be a lot of embarrassments about missed opportunities latter!